- A new 11,000-square-foot bingo hall, Bingo Mojo, opened Sept. 23 at 17249 FM 529, Houston. The facility is offering day bingo each week from Wednesday through Saturday.
- - An electronic bingo hall in Chickasaw is expected to open this afternoon, the developer told the Press-Register.
- Springfield, IL. Caritas Bingo Hall. Bingo Hall $3.00 will let you play 6 regular boards per game for 12 games that pay $100.00 for the first 11 and the 12th game paying $500.00. (117) More Games are available including specials for $1.00 that includes 3 baords/ game for 2.
Updated 6/22/2020 - We are following Governor Abbott's guidelines for bingo halls with a 25% occupancy rate. This equals 80 players per session. Prices: 3 computers for $60. $5000 Payouts. Unlimited pull-tab cash prizes!
Hey Humble Bingo family,
E Bingo Open Today Jan
Here's a few things you NEED to know in order to play bingo with us.

1. Temperature will be taken for everyone entering the building, including employees. You must have a temperature below 100.4 in order to gain entry. You will also be required to sanitize your hands.
Play live bingo online. Pragmatic play company. Best slot machine apps real money glitch. Northwest Eagles #4019. Feb 26 @ 12:00 pm The Bingo Company. Feb 26 @ 7:30 pm The Bingo Company.
2. Occupancy Restrictions: Based on the 25% occupancy order by Governor Abbott, Humble Bingo will only allow 80 people inside to play bingo on a first come, first serve basis. No customer after number 80 will be allowed inside.
3. Sanitizing Stations will be available throughout the hall for your convenience.
4. Mask/Face covering: *Updated! ALL Customers and Employees are required to wear mask while inside Humble Bingo.

5. Tables/Seating: We have removed tables and over 250 chairs. We have rearranged the hall and evenly spaced the chairs for social distancing.
7. Pricing: In an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19, we have limited our capacity to ONLY 80 people!!! We WILL NOT be cutting our payouts. We will payout the FULL $5000 in bingo prizes, PLUS thousands in pull-tabs. Our minimum buy-in per person will be 3 computers for $60 with $2 add-ons for paper. You can add on extra computers for $20 each. We have eliminated the warm ups and on Friday and Saturday night ALL of your games will be in the computers. We know that this minimum buy-in might seem high to some, but this is the only way to ensure full pay-out with such a small crowd. There's a silver lining though, your odds are 1 in 80.

IF YOU ARE SICK OR HAVE BEEN AROUND ANYONE WHO IS SICK, PLEASE STAY HOME! We will still be here when you get better.
E Bingo Cavite Open Today
Thank you!!